Well, most of you probably got this in the mail, but for anyone who did not get the update, please see below…

Also! I am almost halfway to my goal for raising funds for tuition and 6 months of expenses – thanks so much to everyone who has helped out! You can track my progress here:



Hi all!

I hope that you all enjoyed my Christmas letter, and now it’s time for another update! The number one question I got after Christmas was “Okay, so what is this mission school thing?” Here’s the info:

In September, I am planning to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With a Mission in Colorado Springs. The DTS is an intensive Christian training course that consists of a 3 month classroom/lecture phase followed by 2-3 month outreach into areas of the world that need our help. DTS aims to encourage students to develop personal character, to cultivate a living relationship with God, and identify their unique individual gifts and callings. Cross-cultural exposure and global awareness are especially emphasized throughout the DTS, preparing the students to reach current and future generations and be sensitive to the needs of various regions.

Why am I choosing to work with this program? Part of it is because YWAM has a long, reliable track record – they’ve been around for 45 years and trained thousands of people. YWAM also has a good infrastructure and reach (over 1100 locations in 180 countries), allowing money to be spent more efficiently and effectively. They also try to focus on very practical goals overseas, whether it be social justice, such as helping women who have escaped human trafficking, or economic health, like working alongside locals to build and grow new businesses. But I think my favorite part of the program is that they actually train people! So many well-meaning organizations and churches send groups overseas to help, and I am certain they have a positive influence, but the specialized training and information provided by the DTS, combined with their infrastructure, means that each individual can make a bigger, better impact than they could working alone. You all know me – if I do something, I go all the way, so when I decided to start doing missions, I wanted to do it right!

As for my long-term goals, some of you have asked if I plan on doing missions full-time. The answer is “no.” Right now I don’t feel like that is something I am called to do – what I do plan on doing after this training is to work my normal job a majority of the year, and then commit one or two months of time each year to missions work, for which this will prepare me. That will hopefully allow my efforts to be self-sufficient from here on out.

If you can partner with me in any way for this training, I would be very grateful! If you would like to be a part of this mission through your financial support, please make checks out to “YWAM” and send them to “ P.O Box 60579, Colorado Springs, CO 80960”. Include with your check a sticky note saying that it is for my (Nicole Walsh’s) DTS tuition. (You can also send your checks directly to me if you prefer.) I need to raise about $7,000 to cover tuition, living and travel expenses. (Not a bad price for covering 5 months of service and living expenses!) I will be saving all I can from my own earnings, and have already saved about $1k, but I will need some help if I am going to make my goal by September. But especially for those of you who (like me) have more time than money – I need your prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that will allow me to be successful as I follow God’s path. While money is important, it comes in a distant second to my need for your prayer support. I also welcome any other type of support – you know I love emails, letters, even just a postcard to let me know you’re thinking or praying for me!

Love and hugs to all of you!
